Maintaining your Summer body (without the gym)
4 practical tips
So, while on vacation (pictured to the left) I came to the conclusion that I have truly fallen off the bandwagon...from working out 5 to 6 days a week to just a handful of sessions in the past few months! It all started with the the rapid approach of my CFA exam this past June, followed by moving to Europe the NEXT day. Between trying to adjust to London and an intense new team at work, I haven't consistently worked out in months and yet, my summer body is still in tact! Praise the Lordtttt!
Here are a few tips for maintaining a summer body without lifting a weight:
1. You reap what you sow...sacrifice first, indulge later.
When you've been grinding for the first half of the year, you can afford some down time. My body is extremely forgiving when I've been good to it, giving me a little leeway for when I just can't make it to a gym. For that reason, I encourage you to keep up that New Years resolution so that you can guiltlessly enjoy yourself when summer comes around!
2. Eat clean = stay lean
Do NOT cut corners when it comes to your diet. Eat clean, opting for low sugar/artificial flavors, minimally processed (bleached/"white", pre-cooked/packaged) products, and a majority of real/whole and organic foods -- at least 6 days out of the week, and I promise you won't regret it. I've also adapted a 70% plant-based diet over the past year and half, meaning I exclude animal products most of the time -- which is really what's kept me lean for so long! Give it a try!
Protip: It's time consuming at first, but I meal prep entrees and snacks so that I don't make impulsive purchases/overeat (and save money) throughout the week.
3. Cut (to) the chase-r
If I'm drinking (which I'm cutting down on in general) I opt for wine or a drink on the rocks instead of mixed drinks, and especially beer. It's more effective AND less calories.
4. Incorporate FUNctional movement
Don't take for granted the abundance of opportunities you have to get up and move throughout your day! This is how I stay active, even when I'm at work, super busy, or traveling:
- (If in a major city) walk, don't ride! And if you must ride, hop on a bike -- they're basically in every major city (and for the low). This is the LEAST you can do, especially if you're not working out at the moment.
- They say sitting is the new I try to stand/take a stroll as much as possible when in the office. My department has standing desks and I try to get up every 45 mins, or for the majority of my day when I'm busy. It's awesome-- because you're burning more calories in comparison to sitting, and with minimal effort.
- Take the stairs. I take the stairs 9/10 times at work. Don't cheat yourself out of an opportunity to get in a little leg action!
- HAVE FUN. Seriously, cut loose! I try to laugh until it hurts, play, and dance as much as possible. Most times when I go out– or any place where the music is great for that matter– I dance until I'm a hot sweaty mess (idc, idc, idc)! When I travel, my best friend and I try to do nonsensical acro yoga moves and flips all over the place. I wholeheartedly believe that this is some of the best movement you can do...movement that allows you to be carefree and can be done in any environment. And that's exactly what I've been doing all summer long :)
Call to action:
Remember, staying 'fit' is more than hitting the gym every day -- make moves and change your LIFESTYLE so that you can adapt when you can't workout all the time. ;)
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